Spaghetti Models – Track The Tropics – Atlantic Hurricane Season 2019

Current Tropics Activity

THREAT: Active Storm Jerry
Click To Go To Storm Page


THREAT: Active Storm Karen
Click To Go To Storm Page


ALERT: Active Storm Lorenzo
Click To Go To Storm Page


WATCHING: 1 Area Of Interest

Atlantic 2 Day GTWO graphic Atlantic 5 Day GTWO graphic
Active Cyclone / Invest Map
Atlantic Cyclone Activity
Quick Glance At The TropicsQuick Glance At The Tropics
2019 Hurricane Season Names:
Andrea | Barry | TD Three | Chantal | Dorian
Erin | Fernand | Gabrielle | Humberto | Imelda | Jerry | Karen | Lorenzo | Melissa | Nestor | Olga | Pablo | Rebekah | Sebastien | Tanya | Van | Wendy
2019 Tropical Cyclone Tracks
Current Tropical Surface Analysis
Tropical Surface Analysis - The Big Picture
Tropical Surface Analysis - The Big Picture
Live Current and Future Winds Current Tropical Surface Analysis Maps Tropical Atlantic Current Tropical Atlantic Analysis Southwest Atlantic Current Southwest Atlantic Analysis Gulf of Mexico Current Gulf of Mexico Analysis Gulf Buoy Data Current Gulf of Mexico Buoy Data Southeast US Coast Current Southeast US Coast Analysis Southeast Coast Buoy Data Current Southeast US Coast Buoy Data Caribbean Current Caribbean Analysis Caribbean Buoy Data Current Caribbean Buoy Data

Hurricane Season Stats

Number Of Storms Per 100 Years
Number of Storms per 100 Years
Saffir Simpson Hurricane Scale
Beaufort Wind Scale
Beaufort Wind Scale Typical Cyclone Origins and Tracks by Month
June Hurricane Climatology July
July Hurricane Climatology August
August Hurricane Climatology September
September Hurricane Climatology October
October Hurricane Climatology November
November Hurricane Climatology

Tropics Outlooks / Probs

NOAA Tropics Outlook Global Tropics Outlook FSU Model Probabilities GEFS Probabilities GEFS Raw Tracks NOAA 0-24 hour TC Formation Probability Tropical Cyclone Formation Chances Within 24 Hours NOAA 0-48 hour TC Formation Probability Tropical Cyclone Formation Chances Within 48 Hours

MJO Current State / Forecasts

MJO Model Forecasts MJO Extended Forecast
MJO Model Forecasts
MJO Model Forecasts

Weather Forecasts

3 Day Loop 3 Day Weather Forecast Loop Current Day 1 (Today) Today's Weather Forecast Current Day 2 (Tomorrow) Tomorrow's Weather Forecast Current Day 3 Day 3 Weather Forecast Days 3 thru 7 Day 3 Weather Forecast

Precipitation Forecasts

Future Surface Analysis Forecasts

24 Hour NHC Forecast
24 Hour NHC Surface Analysis Forecast 48 Hour NHC Forecast
48 Hour NHC Surface Analysis Forecast 72 Hour NHC Forecast
72 Hour NHC Surface Analysis Forecast

ASCAT Data (Ascending/Descending)

Ascending ASCAT
Descending ASCAT

Atlantic Seas Height / Waves

Atlantic Sea Height / Waves
Atlantic Sea Height / Waves
Atlantic Sea Height / Waves

Tropical Atlantic Conditions

Tropical Intensity Index
Tropical Intensity Index Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential
Wind Shear
Wind Shear Maximum Potential Hurricane Intensity
Maximum Potential Hurricane Intensity Sea Surface Temperatures (SST)
Sea Surface Temps
Sea Surface Temps
Gulf Of Mexico
Sea Surface Temps Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) Anomalies
Sea Surface Temperature Analomy
Sea Surface Temps Anomaly Vorticity
Current Vorticity 700mb
Current Vorticity Wind Shear
Wind Shear
Wind Shear
Shear Tendency Past 24 Hours
Wind Shear Future Shear
Future Shear Forecast 24 hours
Future Wind Shear
48 hour
Future Wind Shear
72 hour
Future Wind Shear Saharan Air Layer (SAL) (Dry Air)
Saharan Air Layer (SAL)
Saharan Air Layer (SAL) Current Wind / Wave Analysis
Saharan Air Layer (SAL) Global Jet Stream & 250 mb
Vertical Wind Shear Vertical Wind Shear
Vertical Wind Shear
Vertical Wind Shear Current U.S. Jetstream
US Jetstream Current Wind Direction
Lower Level Winds
Lower Level Winds

Upper Level Winds
Upper Level Winds
Current Wind Steering
200-700mb Wind Steering

700-850mb Wind Steering
Track The Tropics has been the #1 source to track the tropics 24/7 since 2013! The main goal of the site is to bring all of the important links and graphics to ONE PLACE so you can keep up to date on any threats to land during the Atlantic Hurricane Season! Hurricane Season [php]echo date('Y');[/php] starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th. Love Spaghetti Models? Well you've come to the right place!! Remember when you're preparing for a storm: Run from the water; hide from the wind!

Current Radar Loops

Western Gulf Coast Radar LoopWestern Gulf Coast Radar Central Gulf Coast Radar LoopCentral Gulf Coast Radar Eastern Gulf Coast RadarEastern Gulf Coast Radar East Coast RadarEast Coast Radar Northeast Coast RadarNortheast Coast Radar

Current Satellite Loops

***Displaying low bandwidth thumbnails, click on images for high res loops***
Atlantic GEOColor IR
Enhanced Infared Loop Atlantic IR
Sat Loop Atlantic Water Vapor
WV Loop Atlantic IR
Sat Loop Atlantic Total Precipitable Water
Total Precipitable Water Loop Gulf Of Mexico GEOColor IR
Sat Loop Gulf Of Mexico Shortwave IR
Sat Loop Gulf Of Mexico Visible
Sat Loop Gulf Of Mexico Water Vapor
Sat Loop East Coast / West Atlantic GEOColor IR
Sat Loop East Coast / West Atlantic IR
Sat Loop East Coast/ West Atlantic Visible
Sat Loop East Coast / West Atlantic Water Vapor
Sat Loop East Atlantic / Africa Visible
Africa Sat East Atlantic / Africa IR
Africa Sat

Hurricane Season History

Atlantic Basin Storm Count Since 1850
Atlantic Basin Storm Count Since 1850 Hurricane Strike Percentages
[Map of return period in years for hurricanes passing within 50 nautical miles]
Estimated return period in years for hurricanes passing within 50 nautical miles of various locations on the U.S. Coast
[Map of return period in years for major hurricanes passing within 50 nautical miles]
Estimated return period in years for MAJOR passing within 50 nautical miles of various locations on the U.S. Coast
CONUS Hurricane Strikes 1950-2017
[Map of 1950-2017 CONUS Hurricane Strikes]
Total Hurricane Strikes 1900-2010 Total Hurricane Strikes 1900-2010 Total MAJOR Hurricane Strikes 1900-2010 Total Major Hurricane Strikes 1900-2010 Lookup Historic Hurricane Tracks
Hurricane Katrina Track 2005